EWA Worth Knowing

The Acoustic-Optimizer is a simple and cost-effective acoustic system that reduces noise, optimises speech intelligibility and thus significantly reduces stress in group rooms, for example.

During development, we utilised the physical findings from the field of event technology and sound studios - as well as the latest research. While classic acoustic solutions (e.g. acoustic ceilings) primarily combat reverberation, our Acoustic Optimizer absorbs the sound pressure phenomena that occur in the 90° angles of the room - especially in the transition from wall to ceiling.

These right angles throw the sound pressure back into the room distorted and amplified by up to 20 dB. An increase of 10 dB is perceived as a doubling of the volume! This is the cause of stress reactions to noise, not necessarily the noise source itself. This is exactly where our Acoustic Optimisers come in, by preventing these sound pressure phenomena from occurring - and in this way creating peace, quiet and perfect speech intelligibility.

For more detailed information or a personal consultation, give us a call or send us an E-Mail: mail@einrichtwerk.de

Beispiel einer Planung für Projekte von EinrichtWerk

We have a plan:

Send us photos of the rooms and the dimensions (a floor plan if available) and we will draw up a plan of how your rooms could look with the EWA Acoustic-System.

Please download the PDF and print it out to help you with the measurements. In the case of complicated properties, we will also be happy to take a look on site. 

We will plan the optimum distribution of the Acoustic Optimizers, create a drawing for you and make you an offer.
Free of charge and without obligation.

Cost advantage

More performance for less money:

The average cost of the acoustic system in a group room is around €4,000, including installation.
The cost of an acoustic ceiling is around €10,000 in total, because the entire electrical system (lighting, smoke detectors, projectors, etc.) has to be installed on the ceiling.
Absorbers on the walls, if they significantly reduce reverberation, cost around €6,000 on average, but
generally do not fulfil their purpose because the material does not absorb the low frequencies.


Sustainable thanks to simple suspension: If rooms are later used for other purposes or the building is even demolished, the EWA sound absorbers can be removed and reused in other rooms or buildings. This saves money and avoids waste. This makes the Acoustic-Optimizer particularly suitable for rental properties.

The fibre of the Xtreme cover fabric is flame-retardant (B1). The fabric is not impregnated and therefore does not need to be replaced after 10 years.

If the fabric becomes unsightly for any reason or you have grown tired of the chosen colour, we offer a new upholstery. The core material remains the same.


Read more about the physical principles of  Room Acoustics


Here you will find references from the application areas:

References Acoustics Day-Care

References Acoustics School