The Ultimate Furnishing Concept

for cooperative, dynamic and flexible learning.

Grundschultisch mobil und stapelbar

Our innovative 5-Sided Table

offers all possibilities. Mobile, flexible and enormously versatile to group together. And yet, if required, a fully-fledged single table with 0.46 m2 of work surface and sufficient space for books, documents and work materials. 

The 5-Sided Table shows its strengths especially in group work. Whether 2, 3, 4 or 6-person combinations, rows or large rounds: Practically any arrangement is possible and creates an optimal communication situation.

Advantages of our 5-Sided Table EWT.5:

  • Perfectly suited for ALL forms of teaching.
  • Optimal viewing angle in every group set-up: perfect rounds for 4, 6, 8, 12 and more people.
  • Creates ONE learning height / table level for all.
  • Supports flexible and cooperative learning.
  • Mobile and stackable.
Gruppenkombinationen des Fünfecktisches von EinrichtWerk in Panketal

Learning at the same height.

Due to the standardised height of 74 cm, the EWT.5 can easily be driven under with a wheelchair. Everyone learns at eye level: large and small, cross-grade groups, pupils and teachers. No special places, no barriers.

Easy to roll - without any noise.

Flexible learning with the EWT.5 starts with its fixable double castor: In no time at all, even primary school children can easily move the tables around, and new teaching situations can be created in seconds.

Universally applicable:

From Primary School to Adult Education.

Up to 8 tables can be stacked to save space.

Older pupils can even stack them on their own. Even in small classrooms, this quickly creates free space for various activities..

Unser Fünfecktisch: Der Schultisch für flexibles Arbeiten

The 5-Sided Tables also offer optimum conditions for left-handers.

Left-handers simply use the 5-Sided Table "the other way round" and sit on the sloping side. This gives them ample space on the right and at the top to place documents within easy reach.