References from the Area of Training / Adult Education

„At the professorship, we are researching, among other things, the classroom of the future. With the flexible 5-Sided Tables, we can switch super fast between different forms of work. For example, if we want to use virtual reality technology, we can convert the whole room into a tracking surface in just under a minute, run through virtual learning scenarios and then simply build group tables again.“

Prof. Dr. Dengel, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

Leadership training, South Hessen Police Headquarters

University of Eastern Finland

Learning workshop for nursing in Gießen

Regional Churchcommunity Schwabach

Moderne Schulmöbel von EinrichtWerk in einer Schule in Schwabach

Library in Berlin Spandau

Vocational College Simmerath

Training Center of the S-Bahn Railway Berlin

Training Center Havelland Hospitals

Vocational School Ostvest in Datteln