EWT.5 – The 5-Sided Table

More possible combinations than any other seminar table: thanks to the patented angle combination.

Thanks to its special, patented angles, our 5-Sided Tables enable multiple group constellations and offer the best possible eye contact. The integration of all participants is the top priority here. Nobody can hide anymore, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Direct eye contact is possible at any time and encourages greater attention. The intensive cooperation of such rounds leads to a greater social bond in the group within a short space of time, discussions are more organised and attention levels are higher.

Advantages of our 5-Sided Table EWT.5:

  • Perfectly suited for ALL forms of teaching.
  • Optimal viewing angle in every group set-up: perfect rounds for 4, 6, 8, 12 and more people.
  • Creates ONE learning height / table level for all.
  • Supports flexible and cooperative learning.
  • Mobile and stackable.
Kooperative Arbeit im Büro mit dem Fünfecktisch von EinrichtWerk

Only our 5-Sided Tables solve the challenges in Adult Education and the office so perfectly!

Seminars, universities, continuing education, digitalisation, integration, new forms of teaching and learning and much more. The challenges and demands placed on training and further education centres and lecturers have increased enormously in recent years. The right, flexible furniture helps enormously in coping with this. With our 5-Sided Tables, you can master challenges more easily. Not convinced yet? We would be happy to advise you personally!


Optimised, contemporary learning with our seminar table.


Our 5-Sided Tables demonstrate their particular strength through their versatility in group work. It gives everyone in the group direct eye contact, thereby increasing attention and social interaction and improving communication.


Its wide range of combination options makes it ideal for self-organised learning and helps learners to become more independent. Plus: If required, it can also be used as a fully-fledged single desk with sufficient space for books, tablets and work materials.


Almost any arrangement is possible and can be realised in no time at all. If required, our 5-Sided Tables can be easily rolled to the side and stacked to save space or enlarge small groups.

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

„One of the things we are researching at the professorship is the classroom of the future. With the flexible 5-Sided Tables, we can switch between different forms of work super quickly. For example, if we want to use virtual reality technology, we can convert the entire room into a tracking surface in less than a minute, play through virtual learning scenarios and then simply build group tables again.“

Prof. Dr. Dengel

More customer testimonials

Learning at the same height.

Due to the standardised height of 74 cm, the EWT.5 can easily be driven under with a wheelchair. Everyone learns at eye level: large and small, cross-grade groups, pupils and teachers. No special places, no barriers.

Easy to roll - without any noise.

Flexible learning with the EWT.5 starts with its fixable double castor: in no time at all, even primary school children can easily move the tables around, and new teaching situations can be created in seconds.

Der Fünfecktisch: Ein Schultisch mit variabler Arbeitsfläche

Group or individual table: can be used on three sides

Our innovative 5-Sided Table offers all possibilities. Mobile, flexible and enormously versatile to group together. And yet, if required, a fully-fledged single table with 0.46 m² of work surface and sufficient space for books, laptops and work materials. The 5-Sided Table shows its strengths especially in group work. Whether 2, 3, 4 or 6-person combinations, rows or large rounds: Practically any arrangement is possible and creates an optimal communication situation

Learning at the same height.

Due to the standardised height of 74 cm, the EWT.5 can easily be driven under with a wheelchair. Everyone learns at eye level: large and small, cross-grade groups, pupils and teachers. No special places, no barriers.

Easy to roll - without any noise.

Flexible learning with the EWT.5 starts with its fixable double castor: in no time at all, even primary school children can easily move the tables around, and new teaching situations can be created in seconds.

Customer testimonials about our 5-Sided Table

Lycée Sainte-Clotilde, Strasbourg

“I have been working with the 5-Sided Tables for a year now... Flexibility is part of my everyday life, enriched by the 5-Sided Tables and their writing surfaces."

Laurent Bescond

Lernwerkstatt-Pflege GmbH Gießen

The advice and the ordering process at the Einrichtwerk are technically very good and uncomplicated. As a customer, we felt very well looked after... All in all, the EinrichtWerk offers a 5-star service.”

Stephan Ronneburg

R. Tötte

“From initial contact to buying the chair, less than 24 hours had passed, and not just because we are so decisive, but above all because the EinrichtWerk team was incredibly accommodating and solution-oriented in their thinking and actions.”

Der Fünfecktisch: Ein Schultisch mit variabler Arbeitsfläche

Group or individual table: can be used on three sides

Our innovative 5-Sided Table offers all possibilities. Mobile, flexible and enormously versatile to group together. And yet, if required, a fully-fledged single table with 0.46 m² of work surface and sufficient space for books, laptops and work materials. The 5-Sided Table shows its strengths especially in group work. Whether 2, 3, 4 or 6-person combinations, rows or large rounds: Practically any arrangement is possible and creates an optimal communication situation

5-Sided Tables EWT.5 in three formats: can be perfectly combined with each other.

  • Format: 67,5 x 62,5 cm
  • Format: 79 x 67,5 cm
  • Format: 100 x 79 cm

Format 67 and 79 can be combined, as can formats 79 and 100: the long side of the smaller panel corresponds to the short side of the larger panel. For example, the 79 format can be easily combined with the 67 format for a wheelchair.

Up to 8 tables can be stacked to save space.

Older students can even stack them on their own. Even in small classrooms, this quickly creates free space for various activities.

  • Format 67: 6 Tables stackable,
  • Format 79 and 100: 8 Tables stackable

Easy-care, waterproof, almost indestructible.

13 mm thick HPL solid core panel with spherically milled safety edge (instead of lipping) is virtually indestructible. Even liquids cannot harm it. Particularly safe: The edge rounding of 4 mm - far exceeds the current regulations of 2 mm. And considerably reduces the risk of injury.

Find out more

References Adult Education:

Further references from the field of adult education:  To the picture gallery

Ideal for your flexible learning spaces:


Even more agile, bouncy, comfortable. For a strong back and sustained concentration.

Vario 5-Sided Table

All the advantages of the patented 5-Sided Tables: Now also available as a Vario version. Also height-adjustable and tiltable.

Multifunctional board

Wall board, work board and table presentation in one. Individually configurable, flexible and versatile.

5-Sided Lounge

The Lounge Concept for Learning, Recreational and Communication Areas. Extremely variable and versatile Seating Elements.