More possible combinations than any other school desk: thanks to the patented angle combination.

Geometry and patented angles of our EWT.5

• The black dot marks the position of the roll.

4 x 90° / Roll in front

6 x 60° / Roll at left shoulder

12 x 30°/ Roll on right shoulder

Individual workplace: 3 different positions

Can be used from three sides. Depending on arrangement or personal preference.

Group workstations and discussion rounds

Intensive support in small groups

Line-up: group of 4

Line-up: group of 3

Line-up: group of 2

Discussion rounds:
6 persons

Discussion rounds:
8 persons

Discussion rounds: 8, 10, 12 ... in the small oval

Discussion rounds
12 persons

Discussion rounds:
14 and more persons

Discussion rounds
24 persons

Classical constellations

U-shape with 28 workstations

Row set-ups: 2 examples

Frontal with 30 workstations