Ingeniously versatile endless whiteboard: practically seamlessly expandable, scratch-resistant and durable, with an optimized projection surface on request.
Our high-quality enameled whiteboard panels can be mounted almost seamlessly: to create continuous, writable work walls. Perfect for complex presentations and plans, for working in groups, ... And as a huge creative surface where even the little ones can draw and play while sitting down.
The basic element consists of a left and a right end panel, each with a concealed ABS edge on three sides. The surface can be extended as required with grooved extension panels on both sides. The connection is almost seamless via tongue and groove.

Optionally also available with a special coating for beamer projections.
This allows you to integrate digital presentations, video and image material seamlessly into lessons without time-consuming set-up or conversion. The matt projection coating is optimized for projectors (long throw to ultra-short throw) and delivers brilliant images without darkening the room. No reflections, no hotspots. Can be written on as normal despite the projection surface (whiteboard marker can be wiped off with a damp cloth), suitable for magnetic accessories and sticky notes.

Advantages of our Whiteboard Wall:
- Seamlessly expandable, scratchresistant and durable.
- Robust, enameled surface
- Can be combined with our board system
- Optionally with projection coating.

Together with our rail-mounted panel system, this creates a huge multifunctional work and presentation surface.
For the ultimate combination of large surfaces and individual surfaces, simply mount the multifunctional board system directly onto the whiteboard wall. It couldn’t be more flexible and functional.