Theme Learning Together

“Children need to master as many challenges as possible in life, so that the most important networks develop in their brains.”

Prof. Gerald Hüther

People learn from People

Scientifically based learning

Learning is an autodidactic process that is intensified through interaction with others. And: learning through challenges brings a sense of achievement and therefore learning itself becomes something positive. These challenges are crucial for brain development, according to Prof. Gerald Hüther: ‘Children need to master as many challenges as possible in their lives in order to develop the most important connections in their brains.’ The learning process is intensified and accelerated by interaction with others, be it teachers or classmates. Observing how others solve problems allows them to copy methods or find their own alternative solutions.

“Real challenges and adventures, such as fishing with your uncle, building a tree house or climbing a mountain, are crucial for brain development. Adventures have made us all strong. So children need a world that is as interactive as possible. And not in the virtual world, but in real-life contexts. ” (Prof Gerald Hüther, neurobiologist)

Teamwork and dialogue promote independent thinking

Professor Thomas Fuchs emphasises the im­portance of the social and linguistic envi­ronment for thinking: “Just as breathing needs air, thinking needs the social and linguistic environment.” Learning in teams, in small and large groups, through dialogue with others, lays the foundation for independent thinking.

Teachers are inspiring role models who shine through their expertise and commitment. They not only promote knowledge, but also the understanding and application of methodo­logy. By acting as facilitators and coordinators, they create functioning learning groups that motivate and inspire the whole class. These ’learning guides’ support the students in mastering challenges with joy and confidence.

In a school like this, social interaction automa­tically develops in a positive way. Children observe how others work, learn to recognise and respect their ways of thinking and view everything from different perspectives. This creates a dynamic and respectful learning environment in which every student can grow.


Learning through challenges means giving children the freedom to discover and explore on their own. What they work out for themselves stays with them for a lifetime and is associated with a sense of achievement – the key to successful, sustainable learning. In this way, learning itself becomes something positive. This is actually a completely normal, deeply human process. Let’s utilise it.

Kooperatives Lernen mit den flexiblen Schulmöbeln von EinrichtWerk in Panketal

"Just as breathing needs air, thinking needs a social and linguistic environment.“

Prof. Thomas Fuchs